Join us at Hamilton Place to get your Long term care questions answered
Join Lindsay Koler of Koler Law Office at Hamilton Place Senior Living on Tuesday August 13 @ 6pm for:
"Ask the Expert - Medicaid Planning 101"
Great information for those caring for an elder loved one - great support group. It's free and open to the public. refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by calling Steve Jefferis at 260-341-8643
​Please join us for an open discussion with Fort Wayne attorney Lindsay Koler. Refreshments will be served. Subjects will include:
Financial Power of Attorney,
Spousal Estate Planning,
and Medicaid Planning.
Medicaid Planning is one of those tasks we all know much too little about. There are some fundamental tasks that can make the entire process work efficiently. Usually the most difficult part of the process is getting started. As our loved ones age, their financial affairs become vulnerable.
This casual event is an opportunity to speak directly with attorney Lindsay Koler to learn some excellent advice to navigate through the process of caring for an aging loved one's financial, real estate and medical planning.
Hamilton Place Senior Living is located near the intersection of Goshen Road and Butler Road. Please call 260-471-0944 for directions.